Are you familiar with the board game Risk?
It's essentially about conquering the world.
Fundamentally, your body has a red system, a green system, and a blue system:
The Threat System:
The red system revs up and prepares your body for fight or flight. When you're stressed, the red system pumps adrenaline, noradrenaline, and cortisol throughout your body.
These hormones keep you on your toes, ready to run or fight, and your thinking narrows down, automatically scanning for anything potentially dangerous.
The Soothing System:
The green system is responsible for helping you relax. It brings your body back down to earth by releasing oxytocin and endorphins.
When you predominantly activate the Soothing System, you're able to feel the things that make you happy and recognize what is right and important for you. Your thinking expands, and you can see options for action while experiencing balance and energy.
You also have a system that motivates you. It's essentially neutral, but many of us don't take the time to assess what is truly important for us to pursue. As a result, we often chase after the wrong "medals."
Ideally, the systems are balanced.
However, many of us spend a significant amount of time in either the Threat System or Drive, and we don't always transition into the Soothing System for a long enough period to restore balance.